Online Vet Pharmacy

An Online Pharmacy for Veterinary Products


Online Vet Pharmacy was developed to replicate the brick and mortar pharmacy business catering to owners of pets. It was believed that an online store would significantly increase sales.

  • Web Development
  • Client Type: SMB
  • Platforms: Magento & eCommerce



A multi-tenant online pharmacy for veterinary products had to be developed based on the marketplace model using Magento. Several customizations were required to replicate the existing workflows of the brick-and-mortar pharmacy and to allow purchases only in licensed states.

Our Solution

Per client requirement, Quadrant developed a flexible and scalable architecture to allow multi-tenancyso in future, any seller can use the platform to sell any type of goods.

Salient features of the portal

  • Multi-tenancy, built on the marketplace model
  • Several customizations like veterinarian’s approval for Rx (i.e., prescription) products, Special shipping based on weight, integration, Bronto Email Marketing integration, Interfax integration etc.
  • Restrictions to allow purchases only in licensed states in the United States.


Buphe is rolling out the new system in phases and has started streamlining its processes. This is a significant success story for both Buphe and Quadrant and is a result of extensive and effective collaboration between client and development team.

Within one month of going live, there was a huge spike in online orders thereby enabling the business to increase its net sales.